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- Strongwings (wyverns) | Honorbound
Strongwings A subspecies of Aethyrian dragon, known for their lack of front limbs, which are instead a pair of wings. Although cases of double pair of wings are not unheard of. History The fourth species to be developed after dragons were the Wyverns, or Strongwings as they are known in Aethyr. Strongwings have always had a strained relationship with their elemental-wielding cousins, and have thus remained apart often, if not even waged skirmishes for resources and territory from time to time. Historical Figures TBD Distribution & Architecture TBD Lifespan TBD Growth Rate & Stages Hatchling (1-10 years) TBD Juvenile (10-20 years) TBD Adult (20-50 years) TBD Elder (50-100 years) TBD Biology & Physiology Aethyrian wyverns, or Strongwings, are dragons naturally born with only a pair of wings and a pair of limbs. They are closely related to western Aethyrian dragons, and somewhat related to Gravity dragons. They are capable of utilizing all Aether and Nether elements, and share many commonalities with their brethren such as elemental features, colors and magic. However, they are only able to breathe their element and are incapable of manipulating it in any degree or form. This makes manipulation-focused elements, such as Nature, quite rare. The colors of their elements are practically the same as their dragon counterparts. All Strongwings have elemental markings and attributes that show what magic they control, and are similarly limited to a single one. Generally, their elemental affinity will be lower in base power than that of their western cousins, but gifted individuals who train dedicatedly may match or exceed their strength. Scales, Fur & Feathers Strongwings can have a wildly varied appearance, featuring scales, fur and feathers, or even a mix of them, but never all three. Colors Depending on their element alignment, Strongwing colors can also vary greatly, but they will often have simple colors and patterns. Markings TBD Eyes Strongwing eyes always have a slit pupil, and their iris can vary greatly in color. Tongue TBD Fangs TBD Horns & Features TBD Height & Weight In terms of height, they are often twice as large as western-type dragons. Gender Dimorphism TBD Magic TBD Elements TBD Diet TBD Different breeds/types TBD Midland More muscular and far larger TBD Lowland Shorter and stockier TBD Highland Wyrm TBD Quetza Feathered TBD Tide Aquatic TBD Reproduction TBD Eggs TBD Same Gender Couples TBD Interracial Relationships TBD Soul Bonding TBD Abilities TBD Culture TBD Naming Traditions TBD Bliefs TBD Customs, Traiditions & Rituals TBD Common Myths & Legends TBD Politics TBD Social structure TBD Role TBD Role TBD Major Factions TBD TBD TBD Enemies TBD Allies TBD Ideals Beauty TBD Gender TBD Courtship TBD Relationship TBD Average Technological Level TBD Fashion Clothing TBD Accessories TBD Other TBD Quick Facts TBD TBD
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- Magic & Other Powers | Honorbound
Magic Magic is a neutral manifestation of Aether and Nether energy. It appears as a soft glow often displaying the color of the magic caster, as they trace the runes necessary for the spell while maintaining their intent clear in their mind. It is mostly wielded by those unable to access any of the elements, and it has many uses. A being may be capable of wielding both element and magic, but in said case, they will never be fully proficient at either: if they focus on magic, their elemental level will drop; if they focus on element, their magic level will drop accordingly. It is treated in the same manner as elemental knowledge is, and it is scaled in the same way. Magic depends largely on knowledge, not just skill or talent. Magic requires a non elemental type of energy found in all living creatures: mana. Magic Mastery Magic is a skill that can be further developed through a fair combination of practice and studying. Talent also plays a big part, but not as much as it does when it comes to elemental training. Most elementless dragons choose to compensate their lack of element with magic instead. 0 - None No magic knowledge, or unable to perform any 1 - Basic Simple magic spells. 2 - Starter Simple magic spells, but is able to do them reliably. 3 - Intermediate Able to perform simple magic spells in a very reliable way. 4 - Competent Able to cast intermediate spells. Simple spells become easier to maintain or cast. 5 - Practiced Intermediate spells are casted reliably, even more complicated ones. 6 - Dexterous Able to perform and cast long-lasting spells. Intermediate spells are casted and maintained easily. 7 - Sorcerer Able to cast spells which are permanent, but simple. As well as long-lasting intermediate spells with more ease. This is the minimum level required for Masters of Magic 8 - Grand Sorcerer Able to cast permanent intermediate magic and capable of almost all known spells, as well as able to create new ones. 9 - Savant Able to perform any known spells, and any permanent magics no matter their difficulty. Legal Spells The following is a list of the many spells casters can attempt at Healing Magic The most studied field of magic to the point it's almost been separated from non-healing magic, healing magic has the same limitations as red gems: after too much time passes, natural healing prevents it from working. Neither healing magic nor red gems can regrow missing limbs, organs, or fully heal certain types of damage to sensitive organs, nor non-living tissue such as plates and horns. Red gems can heal broken bones and trauma-induced wounds, but cannot heal diseases, which healing magic can and for which there is a lot of varied spells. Most healers will only learn spells dedicated to their focus in their career, and generally won't take the time to learn non-healing spells. It's quite difficult for a healer to learn and cast non-healing magic aligned to their current mastery, and vice versa. As a healer rises in mastery, they can do more of the lesser abilities before depleting their magic. Illusion Magic Tbd Destruction Magic Tbd Teleportation Magic Tbd Alteration Magic Such as restraining spells, or lock spells, or barrier spells. Depletion Magic Magical spells focused on depleting mana or other sources of energy. Forbidden Spells Petrification Magic Unknown Corruption Magic Unknown Other Powers Time This is a power thought exclusive to the Celestial Scion, but which manifested in other beings as well, even an extremely rare species of fauna called Displacer Wildfang developed it as their main power. It is extremely rare. Foresight This power is present in many creatures, but most do not notice it, or choose to ignore it rather than nurture it. Those that choose to act on it and enroll in the proper studies, become Seers. It is an ability related to time that is quite common. Those with this skill, are capable of "see" events located in the past, present, or future of the timeline. It is an imperfect ability, since the timeline isn't a single branch: it has innumerable variations, potential outcomes that they can pick up on. The skilled Seer is able to see which visions are the closest to what they have dubbed "Yggdrasil's' Branch": the main timeline. However they cannot see directly into this mother of all branches.... Except for a single bloodline of Seers: Future's Light. This bloodline has been written off all records and kept as a secret entrusted to the Elder Council after an incident in the year 919, when the heir at the time pushed the boundaries and broke all rules and warnings of his masters, wishing to alter Yggdrasil's Branch for his own purpose. Such extreme task drove him to madness and nearly ruined the world... And thus stricter measures were put in place to supervise any who had this ability, with most of those who accept their ability being sent to the Seer Enclave for training. However, dragons and other races in general learnt overtime to not listen to this skill, as it was more of a hassle than anything. And those that did, were forced to make themselves known, to be then taken to the Enclave for training, and understandably, most people disliked having to live under supervision so it was better to disregard this ability and let it fade away. Those who master this skill, known or not, are capable of using it for their gain or the benefit of others, but also for their own hindrance or the harm of others. Despite this ability, fate is capricious and can still take a path of its own. In present times there is a descendant of that bloodline who's hidden away from the public, and kept within the care of the Elders. This figure is yet unable to use their skill reliably however, but they hope once they do, the future will look less dire.
- Characters | Honorbound
Featured All Characters A Abaddon Adhara Aegir Aeolus Aeolian Aeros Aeris Anaise Anduril Aneira Antares Anubis Alan Alden Aldion Aleera Alexander Aloe Altáir Altheia Alrune Alrianne Altrazzia Alyra Amelie Aphelion Arcann Arcturus Arctius Astaroth Astralis Astraeus Aurelia Auriel Auren Aurelios Ayzen Azurael Azura Azurion Azaleen Azariah Azerkhan Azuriel Azrael B Berkan Beylen Bianca Bjorn Borealus Bodhmäll C Carina Cassandra Cyrus D Daeva Danubius Darius Dianne Diaval Duke E Eden Erin Eileen Eirwen Eikthyr Eleanore Elias Elva Eve F Fenhal Fenrir Fenris G Gabriella Gabriel Galvan Galvaris Galvan Galvarion Glacier Glyndwyn H Halynder Hector Helios Horauror Hjalgund Hroevar Hyraxes I Icarus Icaro Ichiro Icildur Illyria Ignerus Irwin Isalyn Isdrean Iskarûn Iskarya J Jay K Kaiden Kaitakia Kayra Kenji Kharaxes Khyrsos Kyo L Lawrence Leonore Lucius Lucien Lymera Lynden M Matthew Magnus Mary Maven Melody Millie W Wystan Wintur X Xianthos Y Yvalin Z Zantivo Zarheyn Zaerus Zephyra Zenithus Zenthari Zuri Zyra N Naiad Naira Nemerius Nieve Niva Noctus Nolan Novalyn Nyra O Obscuralys Omen Orion Orianne P Perseus Q R Raszlaban Raukhan Reagan Rukheim Rigel Ryuji S Saipha Séphira Scorpio Seliana Solyne Solrune Surtr Sidney Sirius Sitar Spear Skjöll Skjoldûn Svarog Svelkjarin Sygrûn T Talvareon Tempest Tikaani Tordenvaer Torven Tunnarok U Umbreus Umbra Umbralis Umbrice V Valekai Vaalerok Valerius Valerys Valyra Valkür Vetra Veratrum Verdun Verdant Vermathor Veylen Voltair Vrael Viktoria Viondari Vycadius
- Houses & Organizations | Honorbound
Community Houses Here you will find all the community-made houses and families! Aether Nature Frost Storm Tidal Gale Solar Nether Blood Soulweaver Fear Toxin Argent Umbra Neutral Gravity Aether Solar Solar Frost Frost Storm Storm Nature Nature Gale Gale Tidal Tidal Nether Umbra Umbra Fear Fear Toxin Toxin Blood Blood Soulweaver Soulweaver Argent Argent Neutral Gravity Gravity
- The Heartlands Senate | Honorbound
The Heartlands Senate The Senate is a group of highly knowledgeable and trained individuals that lead and influence dragon society, chosen by public voting with the final approval of the Elder Council. These Senators are the ones to decide every aspect of life in the Heartlands through debate and understanding, each versed in their own field, and are the voice of their citizens depending on Trade, listening to guilds and individual concerns and suggestions, while also managing these. The Senate is also the one to decide if a family may be granted the title of House. The leading Army and Guard trade roles are flanked by their respective trade advisors. Attaining the Role Becoming a Senator is no small feat. Those who succeed and reach their goal, are able to uplift their family into a House, granting them prestige and influence. Being a Senator is a life-time role, however they may choose to retire earlier, in which case there will be a new voting for a new senator. Senators The Senators are dragons who have worked hard through their lives for the sake of representing their trade. They are the most knowledgeable in their field and are well versed in politics. Senate Positions Religion This Seat has always been occupied by a Celestial Sanctum due to their specific blessing by the Celestials themselves after they proved their loyalty and devotion during the First War. They are in charge of supervising all other branches of the Celestial Order, as well as the Order itself, and all Celestial Temples in the Realm. As well as making sure their followers are faithful and stick to their creed, and ensure there is no slander of the Gods. They are often thought of as crazy zealots and other worse adjectives due to their temperament, when in truth they are fair and neutral. Most of their bad reputation stems from their propensity to punish harshly any misdeeds comitted by both believers and non-believers, specially harsh if it's disrespect towards the Celestials. Their Celestial Templars are seen almost as a second Guard due to their no-nonsense policy. Everyone, even other races, seek out their aid however, and they always answer, proving to be quite reliable and helpful despite an occasionally unnaproachable look. History & Education This seat is in charge of keeping and writing any past and present records of history, as well as the deep study of it. They also oversee education in the Heartlands, gathering all Headmasters in the Council of Education, and ensuring all Academies and Schools are registered, follow a strict protocol, and abide by the Heartland's rules. They do not oversee the Temple Academies however, this is entirely up to the Celestial Order, but are still expected to follow their rules. Trading & Economy To keep society working in the Heartlands, this Seat is charged with keeping records of any and all monetary transactions, guarding the National Treasure Vault, and managing the taxes of the continent. As well as managing all commercial transactions and affairs both within the Heartlands and between them and other Kingdoms. They also supervise the Merchants and Traders Guild. Agriculture & Flora This seat is tasked with keeping track of everything related to supplies and food not just for the citizens but also the military, but also keep track of the Flora in the continent and its health, preventing plagues and over-gathering. Hunting & Fauna This trade seats' primary duty is to the health and prosperity of the Fauna, while also mantaining a balance between their numbers and the necessary hunting to supply the population with food and other animal goods. Arts This trade seat oversees the entirety of creations and their commerce, making sure royalties are respected, there is no theft, etc... Mining The representative of the Miners' Guilt, this seat acts as both a bridge between the Guild and individuals, and the Senate, while also keeping track records of everything related. Justice The leading Justice Senator presides over all other Justice Houses and the Justice system itself. They write the rules and the Senate approves or declines them and their updates. Healing, Science & Research This seat oversees all branches of Science, as well as Healing and general Research. Press & Public Dedicated to connecting everyone, this Senator dedicates to everything related to public communications, such as press, conferences, events, etc... Magic This seat is in charge of enforcing the rules of magic to prevent its misuse, as well as recording and testing all spells to prevent accidents, etc... International Affairs This seat is lead on anything that relates to international affairs, including business and events with other races, as well as the other dragon kingdoms. Guard The leading Guard House oversees the entire security of the Heartlands, as well as every other Guard House. It is their duty to maintain the peace at all costs. They answer before the Senate. There are two specific branches that are led by a House each: Investigation The Advisor whose primary goal is to ensure all investigators in the Heartlands are unbiased and fair, and abide by the land's laws. They ensure that truth is uncovered at any cost. Execution This Advisor is in charge of all the executioners in the Heartlands, elite trained guards whose primary task is to deliver a swift and exemplary death to those who the Judges have appointed for termination. Army The leading Army House is the one with the highest military achievements that has proven itself in the field time and time again. It is their duty to keep the peace in the Heartlands as much as the Guard, both working together for this goal. They answer before the Senate. There are four specific branches that are led by a House each: Intelligence The army intelligence is led by a House specialized in gathering intel on everything within the Heartland's borders, specifically outside of dragon cities and towns. It is a very delicate and dangerous task, as it is very easy for misunderstandings to happen and for dragons to be accused of spying by the other races they keep an eye on, when they merely work towards information gathering and management for the sake of peace. Logistics This House is in charge of everything related to management of the army, such as food supplies, armory, weaponry, etc... This is an enormous task. Templar Order The Templar Order is led by a House chosen by the Senate, usually being very religious, and quite accomplished in the military field. To become a Templar is one of the highest honors a dragon could attain, right between Guardians and Generals. This elite group is unique for the fact it's ranks are composed not only of dragons but also other races, since they all follow Aethyran religion. Military Police Another group with a leading House at the front, the military police is in charge of security in the innermost Ring of the Capital. But they may also be tasked with special cases and situations regarding civilian affairs and peacekeeping outside of the capital, at other cities or towns within the Heartlands. Senatorial Houses Religion The current leading House of Religion is Celestial Sanctum. History & Education The current leading House of History and Education is Temporis. By SteinTempus Teading & Economy TBD Agriculture & Flora TBD Hunting & Fauna TBD Arts TBD Mining & Smithing The current leading House of Mining and Smithing is Meteor Gust By GushikenRyuji Justice TBD Healing, Science & Research The current leading House of Healing is is Algid Haven Magic TBD Press & Public TBD International Affairs TBD Guard Viridian Grove Army Verdant Flare
- Skydancers (easterners) | Honorbound
Skydancers A subspecies of Aethyrian dragon known for their ability to glide through the skies effortlessly despite lacking wings, solely through their use of natural gravity. History The fourth species to be developed after dragons were the Wyverns, or Strongwings as they are known in Aethyr. Strongwings have always had a strained relationship with their elemental-wielding cousins, and have thus remained apart often, if not even waged skirmishes for resources and territory from time to time. Historical Figures TBD Distribution & Architecture The greater majority of Gravity dragons live in the Jade mountains of the Mystral Isles. They live in highly ornate wooden buildings that seem to be more gardens with cities built around them than cities with gardens within them. Everything follows the lay of the land, often guided by a mystic who can sense the energy of a place and how best to harmonize with it. Lifespan TBD Growth Rate & Stages Hatchling (1-10 years) TBD Juvenile (10-20 years) TBD Adult (20-50 years) TBD Elder (50-100 years) TBD Biology & Physiology A unique Aethyrian dragon breed with a different evolutionary line, yet still considered a subspecies despite its attachment to the magic of gravity, an element was born from neutral Aether and Nether mix. They have an eastern, wingless build, long bodies and short legs. They may be covered in either scales or fur, and almost always have whiskers. Their horns tend to be antler-like, but the shape and texture can greatly vary. All Gravity dragons have a ribbon-like stripe of color stretching down their bodies, beginning on their shoulders and extending down their sides. These will match the color of their magic, can come in a variety of styles, shapes and sizes. These colors are red (all hues from yellow, orange and red), green (all hues from lime, green and teal), blue (all hues from cyan, blue and purple), multicolor (two-colored), monochrome (white) or monochrome (black). White and black are particularly rare, with white coming from mixing with other Aether-blooded Aethyrian dragons and black from mixing with other Nether-blooded Aethyrian dragons. This magic is unique, and allows them to fly without wings similarly to the eastern dragons of other Realms, despite being unrelated, and similar due only to convergent evolution. With practice, Gravity dragons can impose their magic on items and individuals around them, making them levitate with ribbons of color surrounding them. This is often used offensively to throw objects or keep attackers away, though this varies from individual to individual. Scales & Fur TBD Colors They usually display natural colors the most, or have colors and patterns matching that of wolves (whites, greys, silvers, blacks, browns and tans). They are naturally markingless, but they also may sport stripes and swirls, soft or hard edged. Markings TBD Eyes TBD Tongue TBD Fangs Gravity dragons often have fangs adapted to fishing, but some, through hybridization, may have wider fangs or even tusks. Horns & Features TBD Height & Weight In terms of height they tend to be slightly above average, but usually length is what's important for a Gravity dragon: they become longer as they age, rather than taller, with the eldest individuals seeming to span horizons. When it comes to weight, Gravity dragons tend to be lithe and light-weight. Gender Dimorphism TBD Diet TBD Different breeds/types There are many subspecies however, depending on either heritage or place of hatching: Firedancer (Igneous Lands/Solar parent) TBD Snowdancer (Glacial Expanse/Frost parent) TBD Stormdancer (Surgent Lands/Storm parent) TBD Vinedancer (Viridian Forests/Nature parent) TBD Clouddancer (Windstorm Crags/Gale parent) TBD Tidedancer (Celestial Seas/Tidal Parent) TBD Shadowdancer (Umbral Domain/Umbra parent) TBD Feardancer (Sundered Summit / Fear parent) TBD Viperdancer (Noxious Wetlands/Toxin parent) TBD Blooddancer (Iron Fjords/Blood parent) TBD Souldancer (Mystic Reach/Soulweaver parent) TBD Speardancer (Western Approach/Argent Parent) TBD Reproduction TBD Eggs TBD Same Gender Couples TBD Interracial Relationships While there are records of Drakes bonding with members of other species, there is never a possibility for these to produce offspring. Culturally, Drakes do not look well upon such bonds, but will not make a fuss about it. Soul Bonding TBD Abilities TBD Magic TBD Elements TBD Culture TBD Naming Traditions TBD Beliefs TBD TBD TBD Customs, Traditions & Rituals Eating TBD Coming of Age TBD Way of Life TBD Death TBD Religious Practices TBD Common Taboos TBD Common Myths & Legends TBD Politics TBD Social Structure TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD Major Factions TBD TBD TBD Enemies TBD Allies TBD Ideals Beauty TBD Gender TBD Courtship TBD Relationship TBD Average Technological Level TBD Fashion Clothing TBD Accessories TBD Other TBD Quick Facts TBD TBD
- Template | Honorbound
Saarkir The Saarkyr are a small race of kobolds known for their cleverness and worship of dragons. History Saarkyrs were created by the Celestials at the same time as their taller, stronger, and more powerful kin: the dragons. Elder Saarkyrs have always boastfully told the legend of their races’ creation to their hatchlings, pushing them to always do their best, no matter what. Throughout the History of Aethyr, Saarkyrs have always been seen as small and inconsequential, overlooked by many, and taken advantage of by many more. However this hasn't deterred them from staying true to themselves and their beliefs. They are often referred to with slurs such as Scaeling, Skink, or the worst of them all: Burrowers. Historical Figures TBD Distribution & Architecture In a perfect world, Saarkyrs envision a peaceful land where they can live amongst their taller kin without fear of prosecution, able to raise the next generation in peace, and worship their own spirits without judgement. Unfortunately for them, the real world is a much more harsh and dreadful existence, especially outside of the Heartlands: the only place where this kind of life is possible for them. Outside of it, Saarkyrs are frequently bullied and even enslaved by stronger creatures, although luckily the latter doesn’t happen as often. Even during times of respite outside the Heartlands, fear of impending invasion and oppression often plague their minds. But, their proud nature drives them to persevere. As cold-blooded creatures, Saarkyrs prefer temperate or tropical climates. However, there are smaller tribes that take residence in colder regions as well. These tend to be more aggressive and harsh in more than just their hunting and behaviour, as food is far more scarce. They are incredibly adaptable however, their villages often found in dense woods, hills, or large rock outcroppings which provide safety and easy access to resources. These areas tend to have natural caves which they use for storage, plentiful food sources, and plenty of room to grow. Although, these also put Saarkyrs in competition with a myriad of other surface-dwelling creatures. Saarkyrs’ natural ability to avoid detection often allows them to hide the location of their tribe quite well, but eventual interaction is nearly unavoidable. Some less-violent races may see a mutually beneficial opportunity: the larger creatures may provide protection or gather more challenging resources, while the smaller Sarkyrs might be able to expand new living spaces, or perform more menial tasks. Although, not all tribes are this lucky... as evil beings often force tribes into slavery or remove them from existence altogether, seeing them as nothing but pests. Lifespan Saarkir's lifespan is usually 80 up to 100 years old. Growth Rate & Stages Hatchling (1-10 years) This stage is the most tender and vulnerable in the life of a Saarkyr. They will depend greatly on their parent and tribe to keep them safe, and will mostly feed on tenderized meat and fruit. Juvenile (10-20 years) At this stage, Saarkyrs begin exploring the world and finding their capabilities, which will lead to solidifying their place in the world. Adult (20-50 years) Once a young Saarkyr reaches 20 years, they are expected to leave the tribe or family and either start a tribe of their own, or remain in the tribe after their pilgrimage. Elder (50-100 years) Not many reach this stage due to Saarkyrs being adventurous by nature, and the world outside the tribe being harsh. Those who do, are looked towards for guidance and council, and are revered as valued members of the community that keep their traditions and culture alive. Biology & Physiology Small and unassuming, Saarkyrs are one if not the most underappreciated and overlooked races due to their small stature. They’re bipedal lizards hailing from the Saark'ir Deserts, in the Southern-most Continent, yet can be found in many other continents. They are digitigrade, and both hands and paws have three claws and one opposable thumb, with which they can dexterously grab things, and are able to run on two legs as well as on all fours which increases their speed and agality. Their claws are curved and good for climbing up rocky terrain, sporting a sickle-claw on their foot that better aids them to cling onto surfaces. Their tails are fully prehensile, and it helps them not only in keeping balance, but also dangling from the occasional ceiling beam. With ears ranging from small to medium, Sarkyr also have a really good hearing sense, with males often having longer ears than females. Scales & Fur Their scales are small, but can range from very small to large enough to be considered plated, and they can be glossy or matte, depending if they take care of them or not. Colors The colors of their scales can range wildly, but there is a slight tendency for cool or warm colors depending on their habitat. Females usually have more vibrant scale colors and patterns than males. Markings They usually don’t have patterns, but magically-inclined individuals are recognised for having elemental-like ones, much like their draconic brethren. Priests of the Spirits may also use artificial markings to represent the sprity they devoted themselves to. Eyes Saarkyr also have great vision thanks to their slit pupil eyes. Their sclera can have a slight hue, and their iris can vary greatly in color, and even have color "rings". Tongue TBD Fangs TBD Horns & Features They may grow horns, spurs, frills or fins, and these may combine to form a more distinguishable individual. Some may grow a mane, but this fur will only be present on their head, back and top of the tail. Height & Weight Saarkyrs are often short in height, and light in weight. Minimum Height is 1 meter, and max height is 1.60 meters. Minimum Weight is 30kgs, and maximum weight is 80kgs. Anything above or below these levels are considered dwarfism/gigantism, or underweight/overweight. Gender Dimorphism Males are usually smaller and weaker than females, yet with more vibrant or higher contrasting scalecolors. Diet Saarkyrs are omnivore, and thus have a varied diet of meat, fish and fruits. However they largely prefer cooked meat. Different breeds/types Saarkyrs have three breeds depending on their biome. Arctic They are characterized for having a wilder look about them, as well as thicker scales and more fur/fur where it normally wouldn’t be to help them weather the harsh tundra. Their colors tend to be light, desaturated and bright in order to better camouflage with the snowy biome. Desert The most common breed, with thin scales and few features. They also have the warmest colors, which aids them when blending in with their rocky environment. They are the most stubborn and headstrong, priding themselves on being the “original” breed. They sometimes have fiery features. Forest This breed is known for their greenish coloration, but also wildly vibrant scale colors regardless of gender, as well as a natural resistance to venom and poison. They are most at home amidst flora and thick woodlands. Aquatic Known for their lack of fur and small, smooth scales, the Aquatic Saarkyrs are characterized for their ability to stay underwater the longest, as well as their thicker or padded tails and webbed hands/feet. They may also sport fins on their body. Reproduction A Saarkyr is only sexually mature at the age of 20, and stop being able to reproduce past 60 years of age. Eggs Saarkyrs reproduce much the same as dragons, but females only lay one egg. Hence why their culture revolves around female leadership, with the dominant female having a harem of the most worthy males of her tribe. It is also harder for females to become pregnant so it takes a few tries, even during mating season which usually occurs during the winter, when their reserves of food should be plenty. Gestation takes up to three weeks, and once the egg is laid, three months until the hatchling breaks the eggshell. Same Gender Couples TBD Interracial Relationships Most Saarkyrs view any relationships with other species as something to either take advantage of, or to be better without. The only exception to this, are their dragon kin, whom they will always look up to with wonder and respect, often offering their services to them, no matter what. Only the Matriarchs have the charisma to stand up to their larger kin, and even then, it is seen as a miracle if a female would manage to partner up with a male dragon. It is frowned upon for females to bow to dragons, despite their reverence for the larger species. Soul Bonding TBD Abilities TBD Magic Sarkyrs don’t have much magic running in their veins despite their similarities to their draconic cousins, but when they do, these individuals are celebrated, often becoming tribe leaders. Rarely, these may also be ostrasized however, due to posing a threat to the tribe’s leadership. Elements TBD Culture Although they are adverse to confrontation and are quite limited in strength, they know there is greatness within them, and strength in numbers. Their draconic ancestry makes them a very proud race by default, but despite their grand origins, many other cultures dismiss Sarkyrs as cowardly, senseless, and weak. However, these small reptilians find their strength in numbers with a solid social structure that stresses devotion to their tribe. Sarkyrs are quick and skillful with their hands as much as with their wits and intelligence. And they fiercely work together to overcome their physical limitations, having a strong sense of community. They can be very dangerous when cornered, fierce when defending their eggs and family, and infamous for the perilous improvised traps that they use to protect their villages and cities. Not all Saarkyrs use their skills for the good of their community however, with a handful of them often growing resentful of their status in the world, and taking any danger head on, becoming adventurers, or even the thieves and rascals they are often accused of. These Saarkyr are shunned by their own society and branded as exiles, unable to rejoin their original (or any) tribe, nor create their own, with elders saying they have lost their way and are no longer part of their community. Naming Traditions Saarkyrs often have names that relate to a particular feature of the hatchling, or to what they aim their future to be like. A few examples would be: Wildchaser, Sharpfang, Brighteye, Nighthunter, Palecrest, Coldstride, Ashspine, Redspike, etc… Females who are to succeed a Matriarch however, receive a special name related to the stars: Astra, Cerene, Lyra, Aquila, Despina, etc… Within the Sunless Kingdom however, naming has starting to broaden further than simple features and taken on a more unique approach. Beliefs Saarkyrs believe in the Celestials primarily, but on the day to day, their beliefs lie in spirits which are the embodiment of facets of existence: The Natural Spirits Arkos - The Spirit of Autumn, wealth, abundance, and harvest Valahyra - The Spirit of Spring, beauty, family and purity Jhalvur - The Spirit of Summer, freedom, new beginnings, and health Deirkos - The Spirit of Winter, responsibility, wisdom, and the hunt The Unnatural Spirits Kyrkhos - The spirit of theft, greed, betrayal and misfortune Alvanheim - The spirit of death, the afterlife, decay and sorrow Boros - The spirit of conflict, wrath, death and pride Myrskiss - The spirit of proclivity, adultery, lazyness and gluttony It is common to hear Saarkyr attach occurences in the world or reason their actions as being influenced by these Spirits in varying degrees. Although it never exempts them from the consequences of said actions. Customs, Traditions & Rituals Eating Saarkyrs often gather to eat together three times a day: breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Only the Matriarch has the luxury of a fourth meal between lunch and dinner. Coming of Age When a juvenile becomes adult, they must undergo the Pilgrimage, in which the young adult will be tasked to hunt a large predator and bring its carcass to the tribe. However, it is also acceptable to bring back something that will strengthen the tribe in some way. Failure to do so, will result in exile, as the saarkyr will be deemed too weak and thus a problem for the tribe that will not waste resources on them. Way of Life Saarkyrs are fairly peaceful, yet very adventurous in their way of life. Death When a Saarkyr dies, there is a Wake held for them, in which their family remain in silent vigil for the next 7 hours, time in which the body is cremated in a pyre outside of the tribes’ settlement in a designated area. Religious Practices While believing in the same deities as dragons, Saarkyrs often leave offerings to the Spirits they believe in, particularly during times of need. Common Taboos It is taboo in their culture to have any same-gender relationship, under the penalty of being temporarily banished from the tribe. On repeated offense it may lead to permanent exile. This is due to the fact Saarkyr females are small in numbers, and thus their culture has become very strongly attached to same-gender culture style. Stealing from other tribes is common, yet stealing from a Matriarch is punished by death. Common Myths & Legends TBD Politics Saarkyr politics are often very simple and straight-to-the-point. Each tribe has their own goals and customs, and if these are not respected, there will be blood. Disputes are often settled in arenas and offer quite a good show to the tribes involved. They stay away from politics with other races, often keeping to themselves, unless trading is necessary. In recent years there has been rising tensions in Saarkyr politics due to the founding of the first Saarkyr kingdom: The Sunless, which goes against their culture at large by instating their own policies which have shaped a more prosperous culture. Social Structure Saarkyrian society is heavily matriarcal. Within this structure there are several social positions within each tribe however: Hunter/Gatherer The ones in charge of keeping the tribe well fed Warrior/Guard Those dedicated to the safety of the tribe, and compose the first line of defense. Guards are often a priviledged position. Healer Each tribe has at least two healers, and they are the ones who care for everyone’s well-being within the tribe. Even if they have to smack some sense into their fellow tribe-members often. Soothsayer A singular position reserved for the tribes’ talented individual who can look into Yggdrassil’s branches of the future. They are revered by the tribe as much as Elders are. Matriarch This role is exclusive to females, and is attained through force: either by besting another matriarch in combat, or by besting all other females in a tribe without a leader. They are expected to lead the tribe to greatness and peace. Major Factions Tribes do not often join together, but they might if there is a situation that creates a need for it, such as a common enemy that tries to kill or enslave them. Only a Matriarch may rise to Queen in a Continent for the sole purpose of joining all tribes together for a cause. Most tribes tend to be at odds with eachother for territory however. The current most important tribes, each led by a Matriarch, are the following: Tribe of the Moon TBD Tribe of the Sun TBD Tribe of the Goldleaf TBD Tribe of the Alder Tree TBD Tribe of the Shadows TBD Tribe of the Crimson Spear TBD Tribe of the Empyreal Spark TBD Tribe of the Frost Lance TBD Tribe of the Gentle Waves TBD Enemies TBD Allies TBD Ideals Beauty Beauty for Saarkyrs is directly related to their semblance to dragons. The more they look like one, the prettier they will be considered amidst their peers. Gender Ideally, there would be gender equality, as many males wish they would be as strong as their female counterparts. But in reality, females are at the helm of everything in their society, and their word is often more valued than that of a males’. Courtship While females take charge and leave the more daily duties to males, their way of courtship does entail challenges that put their strength and mettle to the test. Only the best males are able to have a chance even at courting a female. Relationship Saarkyrs have a society based on matriarchy, and their ideal relationship is often that of males being devoted to a single strong female that has chosen them after many trials. If the male partner performs well, they are accepted into the harem. Although there has been a case here and there of monogamy, which has seen as odd, yet not entirely frowned upon. However, a male in charge will indeed raise a lot of anger from the Saarkyr community. Saarkyrs do not usually have non-binary individuals, nor same-gender unions, and often frown at such, seeing these as a disrespect to their ancestral customs and an affront to their proud culture. Average Technological Level Saarkyrs are on a higher technological level than dragons even, thanks to their intelligence and smarts when creating contraptions and the like. However they don’t like to drag attention to themselves, even if it would put them on par with dragons. They have created ships and even flying gliders. Fashion Clothing Saarkyrs don’t often wear much clothing, only the bare minimum to protect their scales depending on their task. At home they mostly wear jewellery which can vary from hand-made trinkets to elaborated decorations done by the tribe’s elders, and these are usually made from plant fiber, pebbles, gemstones or bones. Accessories Jewellery is not restricted to females only, males often adorn themselves in hopes of impressing females, or to put themselves above other males as it signifies wealth and strength, given how some may steal from eachother. Tattoos Each tribe has a tattoo pattern that distinguishes them from other tribes. This pattern is often considered granted through celestial means by the tribe’s soothsayer, and are made with natural paint imbued with magic so it cannot be removed. However, in the case of exile, these tattoos will be removed, or worse, scarred in patterns that distinguish that member as an outcast for the rest of their life. Quick Facts Females tend to be bigger and stronger than males. While Saarkyr are omnivorous, they have a strong preference for cooked meat. Baby Saarkyr are similar to baby dragons. While they can make a home out of anything, their natural habitat is caves, with some having large networks within mountains. Their ears are usually small, and this is considered attractive. Longer ears aren’t as well regarded since they can be more easily damaged. The highest form of humiliation for a Saarkyr is cutting off their horns and/or tails. Draconic features are highly praised and sought after in their culture, often signifying status, beauty and power. Saarkyr worship dragons as servants of the Celestials, and worship the Celestials themselves. They are major hoarders of shiny trinkets, while also having a good eye for the most valued metals or precious gemstones. Most Saarkyr (with the exception of Aquatic ones) tend to dislike baths and prefer grooming each other or taking sand baths, as they aren’t very good swimmers. Saarkyr can suffer from mutations such as albinism, melanism, piebaldism, or chimerism. Female Saarkyr don’t get pregnant easily, which is what led to their matriarchal system having male harems. Sarkyr are often called criminals and misfits Females do not have breasts nor nipples, they have flat chests, stronger/thicker bodies, and longer eyelashes.
- Svelkjarin | Honorbound
"Tell me your deepest desires~." - Svelkjarin Svelkjarin is a Captain of the Guard in the Heartlands, and a member of Celestial Sanctum. Personality Cruel and sadistic, no one really knows Svelkjarin's true personality beyond that of a dragon without any sort of morality whatsoever. Information Name Formal Title Aliases Species Age Height Gender Orientation Element Element Mastery Magic Mastery Occupation Rank Assignment Status Social Status Unified Affiliations Svelkjarin Captain Svelkjarin Shrike Dragon (aether ) 27 (8th Frostfall, Year 1973 ) 3.8m Male (he/him ) Pan Frost (red ) Tier 4 (skilled ) Tier 1 (basic ) Guard Captain Sector 1, District 7 Alive Single None The Heartlands The Heartlands Guard House Celestial Sanctum History TBD Abilities Frost Red Current Mastery: Tier 4, Skilled Describe their elemental abilities here. What training do they have, what can they do, etc. Magic White Current Mastery: Tier 1, Basic Describe their elemental abilities here. What training do they have, what can they do, etc. Frequently Used Spells Spell Type Levitation: TBD Light: TBD Etc: TBD Physical Svelkjarin is rather strong and athletic. Family Matriarch Hestia (grandmother) Lady Brisa (mother) Grand Cleric Tordenvaer (father) Commander Nevaska (aunt ) Lady Aurora (aunt) Guard Commander Skjöll (father) Unknown (mother) Justice Cerisia (aunt) Master Solari (aunt) Seer Nolan (older brother) Sierreus (older brother) Glacius (older brother) Master Auriel (cousin) Cleric Eurus (cousin) Cleric Nereus (cousin) More extended family Relationships Family tree Character Name / Character Relationship TBW Character Name / Character Relationship TBW Character Name / Character Relationship TBW Trivia Voice : TBD Themesong : TBD Trivia : Info Gallery SvelkjarinREF - HB Updated Svelkjarin Icon2 SvelkjarinREF - HB Updated 1/2 Credits Owned by CarinaAyland Designed by CarinaAyland Written by CarinaAyland
- Erin | Honorbound
"TBD." - Erin TBD Personality TBD Information Name Formal Title Aliases Species Age Height Gender Orientation Element Element Mastery Magic Mastery Occupation Status Social Status Unified Affiliations Erin Lady Erin, of Algid Haven Grand Master Healer Erin Master Erin Dragon (aether ) 32 (6th Thaw, Year 1968 ) 4.2m / 13’7 Feale (she/her ) Straight Frost (blue ) Tier 2 (controlled ) Tier 7 ( sorcerer ) Grand Master of Healing Alive United Velkin The Heartlands The Heartlands Senate Masters Council House Algid Haven History Brief Summary Abilities Frost Blue Current Mastery: Tier 2, Controlled Describe their elemental abilities here. What training do they have, what can they do, etc. Magic Purple Current Mastery: Tier 7, Sorcerer Describe their elemental abilities here. What training do they have, what can they do, etc. Frequently Used Spells Spell Type Levitation: TBD Light: TBD Etc: TBD Physical What are their physical skills like? Are they strong, tall, good in fights? What physical training if any do they have? Family Character Name (maternal grandmother) Character Name (maternal grandfather) Character Name (paternal grandmother) Character Name (paternal grandfather) Matriarch Elva (mother) Master Healer Character Name (father) Character Name (aunt) Character Name (uncle) Character Name (uncle) Character Name (younger sibling) Character Name (younger sibling) More extended family Relationships Family tree Character Name / Character Relationship TBW Character Name / Character Relationship TBW Character Name / Character Relationship TBW Trivia Voice : TBD Themesong: TBD Trivia : Info Trivia : Info Gallery ErinREF Updated 2.1 - HB Erin by Artist ErinREF Updated 2.1 - HB 1/2 Credits Owned by CarinaAyland Designed by DrakiLady (using DragonOfIceAndFire's Base) Written by CarinaAyland